TriQuality Painting’s Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
TriQuality Painting is committed to helping you make the most of your time on the internet within a trusted environment. This privacy policy discloses how we collect, protect, and use information gathered about you on our web site. We hope that this disclosure will help increase your confidence in our site.
Does TriQuality Painting Company share information with companies or other organizations?
No. One of the most valuable assets of our business is you. We aren’t in the business of selling information about our visitors.
How does TriQuality Painting use the information that has been collected?
TriQuality Painting uses the information provided by you in a limited number of ways. We use the information to complete transactions. For instance, if you request an estimate, we use your information to contact you to set-up an appointment or if you contact us for another reason (e.g. ask a question) we will use the information to contact you.